You deserve to have a positive birth experience


Is Hypnobirthing for me?

This question is asked a lot. The easy answer is YES: If you are growing a baby in your uterus, hypnobirthing is for you.

It doesn't matter how your baby is going to make an appearance, or when or with what help. It doesn't matter if you're planning a home water birth, an induction in hospital or a Caesarean section. What matters is that you are fully informed and feeling confident, armed with practical tools to help you remain calm and relaxed throughout and empowered to make the right decisions for you and your baby. It matters that for the rest of your life, when you reflect on your birth, you remember it as an incredible and empowering experience, rather than a traumatic one. 

Hypnobirthing will help with that. There is no scenario where what you have learnt won't help you.

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What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is an evidence-based approach to birth that seeks to empower women and birth partners with knowledge, practical tools and support, enabling you to have a positive birth experience, however you choose to bring your baby into the world.

Hypnobirthing is for everyone and every birth; you don't need to subscribe to any school of thought or be planning any particular type of birth. In fact, there's no one on the planet who wouldn't benefit from being better informed about their body and their options, and having a practical toolkit to use in labour and birth.

I am calm. My baby is calm.


Choose You & Your baby.

Knowledge is power! Courses and classes are based on empowering you with knowledge to confidently navigate each stage of your journey and make decisions that feel right for you (because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this stuff). We work together up to the birth and can provide support after baby is here.

“Helping you to get started on a joyful birth journey”

– Danielle Yoga